Avoiding Stress Around the Holidays

I must admit, it is definitely hard to believe that Holiday Season 2018 is officially upon us. While the holidays are known for bringing joy, twinkle and a list of nostalgic themed films, this season can also bring upon an array of demands, stress, complicated family dynamics and depression. The holidays are a demanding time for many reasons, and if you are prone to anxiety, they can be completely overwhelming. Your team at SM want to give you some insight into tools that can not only minimize stress, but also empower you to take back this holiday season and enjoy it more than you thought you could.

1.     Be Realistic

Holiday times will naturally bring the feelings of wanting to host that ‘perfect’ get together or for it to resemble past traditions. Own mistakes and mishaps, by accepting these flaws you take the power away from self-doubt and put it back into yourself, where it belongs! Families change! And with this, new traditions can be created, this can be especially apparent with families whose children are growing into those teenage years. Choose to hold on to specific traditions, but also be flexible with letting go of some that no longer fit your family’s dynamics.

2.     Acknowledge Feelings

I often work with clients who feel the pressure that they have to feel happy all of the time. Holiday times remind us of loved ones that are lost or are far away. It is beyond normal to miss someone that you can’t be with and these aren’t feelings that you should keep inside. It is OK to cry, it is OK to share with family and often times you will find that they share these feelings. This can also include stress and anxiety, we are all our own biggest critics.

3.     Planning/Budgeting

Preparation for events is key. By setting aside specific dates and times for shopping, baking, and friend visits you are prioritizing events and avoiding last minute catastrophes. Don’t try to buy happiness for loved ones with an abundance of gifts, I think if we all look back on our favorite holiday seasons, the gifts that we received are the last thing that comes to mind. Remember how much more you appreciated time and love shared with the people most important to you.

4.     Boundaries

Take note from toddlers’ who utilize their favorite word ‘no’, whenever applicable. Don’t allow yourself to host get togethers you don’t want to. Need a day to yourself after a week of hectic shopping and planning? Take it! Friends, family and colleagues will understand if you turn down yet another event invite. There is no written rule that states you have to participate in every holiday activity! Prioritizing what means the most to you and sticking to it can alleviate a multitude of headaches and forced RSVP’s. Allow yourself to take that time away, even if it is just a short walk or reading a book.

5.     Reaching out to SM

Even despite all of your best efforts to manage the stress alone, you may still feel persistently sad or overwhelmed. That is where your SM family can step in. If you find yourself feeling plagued by the pressures that the holidays bring, reach out to us! Don’t let the holiday season become something that you dread every year, instead take the steps needed to prevent exceeding personal demands. With a little planning, positivity and support from your SM team you will find the peace and joy again in the holidays.  



Kurtis Gunter