In Preparation of Summer Break

Hard to believe that Summer is almost upon us! 2019 has flown by, and with that the school year is coming to an end. Your team at Sweet Maple want to help you make the most of this summer not only for your children to have a blast but for families to make the best memories during these precious years!



Create a schedule for you and your kiddos! This will absolutely take some preparation, however when children’s thoughts are focused on the tasks of the day, their behaviors will coincide. Pinterest has excellent templates that can be tailored for every family’s needs from detailed hour to hour to a broader more flexible scope. I also recommend finding a large calendar for the entire family to write the important events of the summer on, i.e. vacations, extracurricular camps, extended family coming to visit and maybe a countdown until the school year starts back up! This will ensure that everyone is aware of the significant days and can plan accordingly.


Bucket List

Another lovely Pinterest find I recommend is having a family meeting and everyone creating a large bucket list of activities they hope to check off by the end of the summer. This will allow time for everyone to brainstorm and share their ideas, your children may have activities they have always been interested in but haven’t had the right forum to share. This could range from making smores to playing in the sprinklers… the possibilities are endless. Don’t forget to add these items into your Summer schedule!



Checking in with your child’s teacher as the school year wind’s down is an awesome idea. This will not only help guide activities that can be planned, but also give you a better understanding of how to prepare for next year. If your child needs extra attention in a certain area, sharing this information with your counselor at Sweet Maple will allow us the opportunity to guide some exercises at home for the summer. If your children are spending extended time with relatives this summer, it would also be an excellent opportunity to now discuss what your expectations are for their behavior! Having that early conversation will ensure that your children are aware of the good choices they can make so Summer 2019 is the most memorable and successful yet!

Kurtis Gunter