Dear Moms: We're here for you.

Mother: [muhth-er] noun:

The unsung hero of the COVID-19 Pandemic

            To say that 2020 has been a whirlwind of a year would be an understatement. Our world has experienced unprecedented times. I have repeated the sentiment to clients over the past few months that there isn’t a handbook written on how to combat and adjust to what we are referring to as ‘the new normal’. With the world coming to a standstill, there was one role that amplified tremendously, and that is of Mothers. 

As if motherhood does not come with enough challenges, mothers have been thrusted into fulfilling every needed role that a child possesses. For some, the days of school drop off are gone and mothers are now the educators, administration, janitors and coaches of the new desk set up in the corner.

Multiple children at home? Well, you are now the mediators, safety patrol, and school resource officers. The challenge of starting your children in a homeschool setting when it was never in your plan can feel like climbing a mountain. Even for the students who have returned to a traditional school setting, mothers are still tasked with supplying and answering all of the questions regarding facemasks, plexiglass, and hand sanitizer. 

Along with ensuring that day to day educational needs are met, mothers have taken on the task of all the social needs of their children. There was a day in the Spring, that children were told that they would not be returning to school and couldn’t see their friends for the foreseeable future. Mothers have come to the rescue! From scheduling virtual playdates to planning daily adventures to keep little minds from wandering, mom’s creativeness has been regularly tested.  

Give Yourself Permission.

            Motherhood at its core is selfless, but I want to encourage mothers to be selfish in those quiet moments. A mother who is burnt out and frustrated cannot provide the stability she is fighting to provide to her family. Give yourself permission to walk away when the virtual school board isn’t loading correctly on the new computer. Allow yourself to call a friend when spending the day providing for a little one’s emotional needs proves to be exhausting. Listen to a podcast or meditation when you are able to break away. You deserve it. You are a hero in the highs and a hero in the lows.

Although we haven’t written the 2020 handbook yet, Sweet Maple Counseling is here if you find yourself or your family needing additional support. 

Kurtis Gunter