What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)?

What is EMDR?

            Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a therapeutic method that originated with the sole purpose of helping individuals handle the emotional distress of a traumatic event. By utilizing bilateral eye movements or stimuli concurrently with a specific protocol, a therapist can lead an individual to a place of healing after suffering trauma. This method is noted to be widely effective in the treatment of PTSD.  The benefits that occur in a handful of sessions of EMDR can be comparable to years using other treatment modalities. 


Can EMDR help me or my child?

               In simple terms, EMDR therapy can change the negative emotions tied to certain memories or events. Just as the body remembers and needs to heal from trauma, as does our brain. What a lot of families aren’t aware of, is that EMDR has additional applications. Along with the treatment of PTSD, EMDR can also treat various panic disorders, anxiety, and depression. EMDR can help with confidence and ‘installing’ positive beliefs about oneself. While EMDR originated with the treatment of trauma, therapists can now help with overall mood improvement and decreasing stress levels! EMDR is effective in children and adults. 


Are there any negative side effects of EMDR?

            EMDR therapy is considered safe for most individuals and children. There may be some concerns for emotional distress specifically when discussing a traumatic event, but your therapist will ensure that you are ready before moving into the next phase of treatment. The most noted side effect of EMDR can be vivid dreams or new realizations about an experience. 


Is EMDR right for me? 

            In most cases, absolutely! EMDR can be used to treat an array of conditions from stage fright to trouble sleeping. EMDR also has been proven to be effective in conjunction with other therapies. For additional information please feel free to reach out to your therapists at Sweet Maple Counseling. We would love to discuss and answer any additional questions you may have. 



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