Why is it so hard to change our habits?

We tend to focus on the big dream.

 As humans, we often find ourselves motivated by the systems around us. This could be from our new acquaintance who drinks cold pressed juice daily while meditating to reading a travel blog and deciding that it is finally our time to take that summer trip in Europe. With the rise of social media and our constant stream of life changing events, it’s valid to only focus on the dream. What we don’t see or know is that our new acquaintance’s habit formed after years of treatment for an eating disorder, or that the travel blogger sold the company they built in order to pay for those extravagant trips. Changing habits are so difficult because we tend to focus on the big dream and desire versus the small realistic changes that lead to the big desires. 


·      Having dreams is healthy but start small with your expectations of your habits.

·      Start to focus on habits that already fit into your lifestyle. 

·      Give yourself grace and get back on track after a setback, tomorrow is another day.

If you need us, we’re here to help.

We look forward to navigating through your mental health journey in 2021.

— Sweet Maple Counseling

Kurtis Gunter