3 Small Ways to Live More Mindfully

Be more aware, present, and mindful


Mindfulness encourages us to be more present and aware of all things around us. When we become more present, the deeper parts of our lives surface. Mindfulness is about becoming more conscious in your everyday life.

1. Practice meditation

Meditation is used to calm the mind and find clarity. Sitting in meditation is a concentrated way to practice mindfulness. If you’re new to meditation, start with a short guided version. There are plenty of videos and apps to help guide you through this! You can slowly work your way up to a longer, more concentrated practice.

2. Put the electronics away

We are consumed by our phones, TVs, and computers. When is the last time you sat with no distractions? Start slowly by not checking your phone at dinner or turn off your tv before bed. Be aware of the urges you feel to grab your phone in situations. Allow your emotions to come and go without distractions. This may be hard to do. Start by setting a timer and concentrating on yourself during this time.

3. Transform your relationships by becoming present, clear, and compassionate with your loved ones.

How can you be more mindful in your relationships? By becoming more accepting and aware. If you are upset at someone or something start asking yourself why. By practicing mindfulness in our relationships we can communicate better and ultimately built longer-lasting connections with our loved ones.

Happiness can arise from mindfulness. It allows us to understand the true meaning and causes behind our emotions. We can better understand ourselves and navigate through our feelings.

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