Turning off your Inner Critic


At one point or another in our lives, we have fallen victim to listening to ‘the little voice’ inside of our head. Sometimes this voice discourages us from reaching our full potential and jumping outside of our comfort zone. Check out these easy tips below on how to not only manage that inner critic but replace the critique with encouragement!  


Meditate, Meditate, Meditate!

How mindful do you consider yourself to be? If we do not take the time to be aware of our inner dialogue, we cannot learn to change its tune. I encourage you to unplug from daily life and plug into what thoughts are present in your brain… you might surprise yourself! Tuning into these thoughts is the first step to gaining control.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Stop comparing your journey to other’s who have long arrived at their destination. You must learn to practice self-compassion in the moments that you feel like everyone else around you is happier, wiser, etc. 

Speak to yourself as you would a friend.

Imagine a discussion with your inner dialogue… most of us find that we are much harder on ourselves than others and this exercise can provide some insight into where this ‘critic’ finds its power! 

- Brittany Rehder, LCSW