Daily Habits to Help Manage Anxiety

A healthy routine is one of the best ways to alleviate anxiety. Here are some of our favorite daily habits!

As you go through this list, check-in with yourself. Maybe take time to journal through your responses.
How many do you practice? How often? When you find yourself being inconsistent, how do you feel?

Let your therapist know which one of these you would like to do more of! 


·      Move that body and exercise! 

·      Limit Social Media.

·      Practice Mindfulness, by journaling or meditation. 

·       Moderate Caffeine. 

·      Practice good sleep hygiene, AKA a routine. 

·       Eat a healthy diet, our body gives us back what we nurture it with. 

·       Going outside for a few breaths. 

·       Clutter can induce anxiety, so make sure your environment reflects how you would like to feel! 

·      Limit Alcohol usage.

·       Talk to someone… that could mean a friend Or your therapist at Sweet Maple! 

Kurtis Gunter