5 Proven Ways to Manage your Mental Health during the Holidays

Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and …. Holiday Cheer?

You are not alone.

This time of year, many people often feel a great deal of stress, anxiety, and depression. It can be overwhelming to think about being around family you haven’t seen since last year. For many of us, the holidays look very different this year. Whether you are going virtual or keeping your holidays small, it’s important to take steps to keep your mental health festive all season long.

Acknowledge your Feelings.

This year has been a year full of uncertainty and turmoil. Don’t force holiday spirit just because of the time of year. It is normal to have other feelings. Allow yourself the space to acknowledge and feel.

Reach out. Don’t Isolate.

It’s so easy to self isolate when we begin feeling sad or anxious. When you begin to feel the urge to isolate, seek connection. Reach out to your community. Share a facetime or send a text to a friend that can offer support or companionship. A form of social connection doesn’t always have to be a long-drawn-out event. Do what feels right for you.

Set Realistic Expectations.

2020 has been different in every way than years past; it’s safe to say the holidays might be a bit different this year too. Try to keep your expectations in check. Give yourself some grace and allow yourself to enjoy the moments, even if different than your “normal” traditions. Find ways to celebrate and create new memories.

Learn to say No.

With the season of giving, it can be natural to want to give your time or push yourself to take on things you just are not up for. Allow yourself space to just say no. You don’t have to bake 3 pies, 2 loaves of bread, and 4 dozen cookies for the school bake sale. A box of Publix cookies will do just the same. When we take on more responsibility than we have the time or headspace for, we become resentful and add even more stress to our plate.

Maintain Self-Care.

While the holidays can add a lot of extra to-dos to our lists, it’s important that we keep up with our self-care habits. Do not neglect to take the time to read your book, exercise, paint, or whatever it is you do that brings you your relaxation. Now more than ever, we need to be caring for ourselves first! That way, we can be fully present for all that the holidays have to offer.

Seek professional help if you need it.

Prevent the stress and anxiety of the holidays by discussing them with a professional. We will guide you through navigating the holiday stress that so many of us face. By planning ahead and taking these steps, you can navigate the holidays with love and joy.

As always, we’re here for you.

Kurtis Gunter